Diamond Ranch Outfitters is located in scenic McFadden, Wyoming just 3 1/2 hours from Denver International Airport. The ranch is only 45 minutes from Laramie, Wyoming where you can find plenty of shopping, food, etc.
If you fly, you must rent a vehicle to drive from the airport to Diamond Ranch Outfitters.
Plan on arriving at the ranch after 3:00 PM on the day before the hunt starts. Your hunt ends once you or everyone in your party has bagged an antelope (or at the end of your 3 day hunt period). Departure will be the following morning.
Dan Dody
221 Diamond Ranch Road
McFadden, WY 82083
(970) 556-5199
Licensed Wyoming State Board of Outfitters License DA-021
​Copyright 2020 Diamond Ranch Outfitters. All rights reserved.